
 MongoDB is an open source, document-based database management system that does not require a table schema description. MongoDB - classified as NoSQL and uses JSON-like documents and a database schema. If all four previous DBMSs are well known to most IT professionals, then few have heard of MongoDB. But she confidently takes the 5th line in almost all ratings. And as a result, in our ranking, she also occupies the 5th position.



JavaScript is a scripting programming language. It supports both object-oriented and functional way of programming.

JavaScript is actively used to create interactive web pages. In other words, everything that you see on almost all sites on the Internet (Front-end), i.e. the client part, which runs on the user side in the browser, is implemented in JavaScript.

According to the GitHub and Stack Overflow rankings, JavaScript is the most popular language, and according to other indicators and indices, it is also confidently among the top ten popular programming languages.

And if you look at the number of vacancies on HeadHunter that mention JavaScript, then there is no doubt that JavaScript is the most popular and in-demand programming language.