
 MongoDB is an open source, document-based database management system that does not require a table schema description. MongoDB - classified as NoSQL and uses JSON-like documents and a database schema. If all four previous DBMSs are well known to most IT professionals, then few have heard of MongoDB. But she confidently takes the 5th line in almost all ratings. And as a result, in our ranking, she also occupies the 5th position.


 SQL (Structured Query Language) is a structured query language, with the help of which special queries are written to the database. SQL is a declarative programming language.

With the help of the SQL language, we carry out all actions in the database, in particular, we create data, change them, delete and retrieve this data, in other words, SQL is the language for user interaction with the database.

The SQL language does not take a leading place in authoritative ratings, although in some ratings it is in the TOP 10, and according to Stack Overflow it even takes the 3rd line. However, in today's world with the growth of information and data, the SQL language is becoming increasingly valuable. So, in almost any job related to development, in most cases you will meet a requirement for knowledge of SQL. What makes this language very popular and in demand.